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Cloisters Reflection: Sins
- Relied on myself instead of God
- Impatience, intolerance, judgement
- Holding others to impossible standards
- Not pointing the finger back at myself
- Treating others as an annoyance or an interruption
- Supposed to bring unity and build up the Kingdom… yet I am cynical or negative, undermine others through gossip or focusing on their faults
- Bringing division rather than unity
- React in hostility or anger
- Give free reign to anger, lust or attractions
- Listen to stories, view images, programs or movies that are not life-giving
- Lying to cover faults, failures, or mistakes
- Lie to avoid conflict or enhance my reputation
- For being passive
- Not stopping to say “thank you” enough
- Taking the love of God for granted
- Neglecting prayer
- Taking for granted how blessed I am
- Failing to have concern for the sick, lonely, hungry, or suffering
- Wanting to hold on to possessions/job/etc.
- Isolating myself - not being in community
- Gluttony - food, media, etc.
- Coveting others and their “things”/lifestyles/status
- Not taking care of the poor, orphans, or widows
- Storing up earthly treasures
- Trying to have 2 masters - God and money
- Worrying, anxiety, fear - not putting trust in God
- Thinking I “deserve” what I have - eg: cloisters weekend, nice house, pickup…
- Focusing more on “learning” the Bible and not using it as a relationship
- Apathy and laziness - give time to brood and judge and fill with other sins