The Infinite Love of Our Heavenly Father
John 15:12 - This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.
Pure love, true and unwavering, is something beyond human comprehension, for it flows only from our God and our Savior, Jesus. No earthly love can compare, for we, as fallen people, carry the weight of our own brokenness and sin.
From the beginning, my life has been marked by the imperfections of human love. My bio-dad left when I was just six months old, leaving my mother to struggle with the depths of postpartum depression. She returned to her parents’ home, taking my brother and me in the midst of her pain. Love was uncertain, conditional, fragile.
Then came my stepfather, a good man in every earthly sense. And yet, when it comes to love, I am not sure there was ever a language I could recognize. Perhaps it was there, unspoken, unseen. But my heart yearned for something deeper, something more.
Years passed, and life became a series of fractured relationships—estranged stepchildren, the heartache of divorce, the realization that human love is often unreliable, imperfect, and tainted by sin. Trusting in love, at least the kind the world offers, became difficult.
But God…
His love is pure. His love is unchanging. And though I have wandered, though I have struggled, I have experienced His presence again and again. In the quiet moments of surrender, in the stillness where I finally let go of my striving, I find it waiting for me - constant, boundless, and undeserved.
Yet how often do we place expectations upon our earthly relationships that only God Himself can fulfill? We long for human love to be perfect, forgetting that we are all broken, sinful creatures. We place burdens upon one another that we were never meant to bear.
As I have grown in my faith, the Lord has shown me the truth: His love is not something to be hoarded, but to be given. I’ve tried to find ways to explain this limitless love, and the best image I can grasp is that of an infinite warehouse—storehouses overflowing with His love, poured out upon us without measure, without end. And He calls us to do the same. To love freely. To give without reservation. To reflect His heart in all we do.
Yet, in my humanness, I hold back. I hesitate. I decide who is “worthy” and who is not, forgetting that none of us are worthy—yet He loves us still. Every day is a journey of learning to trust Him more. Of surrendering my fears and selfishness. Of stepping forward in faith, to love as He loves, because He first loved me.
Lord, let me not keep to myself what was never meant to be withheld. Let me reflect Your perfect love in a world so desperate for it. Let me trust You fully, so that I may give as You have given—freely, abundantly, and without end.
For Your love, O God, is the only love that will never fail.