Power of His Love

The forces of darkness, embodied in Screwtape and Wormwood, are ever at work, seeking to turn our hearts away from the boundless love of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They know our weaknesses and craft their deceptions carefully, attempting to cloud our vision of His supreme love. They lure us toward earthly affections and idols, knowing that these things—though they may seem fulfilling for a time—will ultimately falter, leaving us wounded and disheartened.

When we experience the pain of betrayal, the sorrow of loss, or the grief of a loved one’s passing, the enemy whispers lies, tempting us to associate our suffering with our relationship with our Father. Yet, in truth, His love is steadfast, unshaken by the brokenness of this world. He does not abandon us in our pain, nor does He waver in His devotion. When we stray, He calls us back. When we falter, His arms remain open. His mercy is unending, and His grace is sufficient for every sorrow.

Let us never forget the power of His love, which surpasses all understanding. No scheme of the enemy can separate us from His embrace. He gathers us, again and again, into His fold, holding us close until that glorious day when He welcomes us home into His eternal Kingdom, where love reigns forever, and every tear is wiped away.
