Rocks and Crags
I’m lost without you. I’m desperate for you. When I go my way, I veer off the path you have for me. When I veer off, I get lost and scared. I stumble in the rocks and crags. I don’t know why I veer off when your path is smooth and easy. Lord, help me to stay on your path. To choose the narrow path. The path of love, hope, and grace for all mankind. The path of stewardship to our Earth and all you have given us. We are so blessed with your goodness and kindness. Your love, peace, and joy. Thank you, Lord.
In your name, I pray, Amen
I’m lost without you. I’m desperate for you. When I go my way, I veer off the path you have for me. When I veer off, I get lost and scared. I stumble in the rocks and crags. I don’t know why I veer off when your path is smooth and easy. Lord, help me to stay on your path. To choose the narrow path. The path of love, hope, and grace for all mankind. The path of stewardship to our Earth and all you have given us. We are so blessed with your goodness and kindness. Your love, peace, and joy. Thank you, Lord.
In your name, I pray, Amen