Kingdom Thoughts
Lord God, Almighty King,
Fill our thoughts with Your Kingdom today. Help us prepare our minds for action and help us exercise self-control. Help us put all of our hope in the gracious salvation that will come to us when Christ returns. The things of this world are but a blip but Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.
Lord, as we settle into our new home, bless this space. Bless this space so that we may thrive in our relationship with You and that others who cross the threshold may see your light through this home you have given us. This is all Yours and we want to glorify and honor you through these gifts you have given us.
As we begin a new week, put your loving hand upon those affected by Matt's life and death. He was a complicated person and I just pray he is seated with you after his battle and suffering through cancer. Give me strength and vision to see and reconcile our relationship for what it was. You put us in situations to grow and strengthen us. Thank you.
In your name, I pray these things today.
Fill our thoughts with Your Kingdom today. Help us prepare our minds for action and help us exercise self-control. Help us put all of our hope in the gracious salvation that will come to us when Christ returns. The things of this world are but a blip but Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.
Lord, as we settle into our new home, bless this space. Bless this space so that we may thrive in our relationship with You and that others who cross the threshold may see your light through this home you have given us. This is all Yours and we want to glorify and honor you through these gifts you have given us.
As we begin a new week, put your loving hand upon those affected by Matt's life and death. He was a complicated person and I just pray he is seated with you after his battle and suffering through cancer. Give me strength and vision to see and reconcile our relationship for what it was. You put us in situations to grow and strengthen us. Thank you.
In your name, I pray these things today.