Road to Salvation
I'm a amazed at your creation. At the creation story. I'm amazed at how you have shared this beautiful gift with us and that you let us lord over it with you. I'm sorry for all the things I have done (and still do) that has been harmful to your creation. Forgive me. Lord, instill in me a sense of responsibility to your creation. A sense of leaving it better than it was before I came along.
Lord, you have given us all amazing gifts that you want us to use to better humanity. To lift others up and share with them Your gospel message. That you came to earth as a vulnerable baby - not a Zeus with lightening bolts and spears - to save the world, to change the world, to change our hearts. You lived a sin-free life and in three years of adult ministry, shared all you needed to. You were mocked, beaten, and ultimately killed on a cross for this. Scourged and beaten. Forced to wear a crown of thorns. Each whipping was one of our sins. Each cruel word spoken was one of our sins. And you took them all on. You suffered and died for OUR sins. Then, when everyone though it was over… that there was no hope, you defeated death and rose from the dead. Defeated earthly death! There IS eternal life - and it is through you. You live in each of us that will allow you to be in our hearts. Let us remember that whether we are at church or at a party. May we act like you are in us throughout each day - each hour. Yes, we will fall short but we come back to you on bended knee. We come to you with all humility and give it all over to you.
In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, I pray - Amen
Romans Road to Salvation
I'm a amazed at your creation. At the creation story. I'm amazed at how you have shared this beautiful gift with us and that you let us lord over it with you. I'm sorry for all the things I have done (and still do) that has been harmful to your creation. Forgive me. Lord, instill in me a sense of responsibility to your creation. A sense of leaving it better than it was before I came along.
Lord, you have given us all amazing gifts that you want us to use to better humanity. To lift others up and share with them Your gospel message. That you came to earth as a vulnerable baby - not a Zeus with lightening bolts and spears - to save the world, to change the world, to change our hearts. You lived a sin-free life and in three years of adult ministry, shared all you needed to. You were mocked, beaten, and ultimately killed on a cross for this. Scourged and beaten. Forced to wear a crown of thorns. Each whipping was one of our sins. Each cruel word spoken was one of our sins. And you took them all on. You suffered and died for OUR sins. Then, when everyone though it was over… that there was no hope, you defeated death and rose from the dead. Defeated earthly death! There IS eternal life - and it is through you. You live in each of us that will allow you to be in our hearts. Let us remember that whether we are at church or at a party. May we act like you are in us throughout each day - each hour. Yes, we will fall short but we come back to you on bended knee. We come to you with all humility and give it all over to you.
In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, I pray - Amen
Romans Road to Salvation
- Romans 3:10 - There is no one who stands righteous before God
- Romans 3:23 - All have sinned and have fallen short
- Romans 5:8 - Christ died for us
- Romans 6:23 - The wages of sin is death
- Romans 8:1 - There will be no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus
- Romans 10:9 - Confess and you will be saved