Looking forward to 2024

Lord God,

I sit in awe at all you have done in 2023 and all that is in store for 2024! There were bumps for sure but there were also times of reaching the mountain tops - literally and figuratively. Lord, thank you for all the blessings 2023 brought. As we look forward to 2024, I pray you guide all that we are physically and spiritually. Help us be better Christ followers and imitators of His way. Help us to clearly see the path you have laid out for us and our family. Help put the devil and his evil ways at bay.

Lord, this is a year to dig into your Word with both depth and breadth. Teach us and fill us with insight and wisdom as we go through it together. Pour not the words into our head but infuse the living word into our heart, body, and soul. Fill us with your spirit such that the evil one has no room to work.

Lord, I also ask comfort for those who are suffering, whether physically or mentally - let them know you are with them. [Personal Intercession] I also lift up and forgive those who have hurt us and also need you - [Personal Intercession].

Lord, I know we are not perfect either. We need your forgiveness. We fall short and lose focus on the big prize. I'm sorry, God - please forgive us.

Thank you and we look forward to what you have in store for 2024. We love you and pray in Jesus' holy name, Amen.
