Lift others up
We are all on the same team going for the same goal. I pray we help each other reach that goal. I pray we lift each other up when we are down. Give words of encouragement and just be with our brothers and sisters in Christ when needed. Through the hurt from others, I pray we are strong in faith and are able to let Christ walk us through the most difficult hurts. Love God. Love others. Everything else will fall into place.
Lord, thank you for another day. The sun will soon rise and the day will soon get hectic. Help us to focus on what is truly important. Love… starting with you and stretching into all others. ALL others. Give us the eyes to see when someone is in need. Give us the feet to walk over and be with them. Give us the hands to pray for them and provide any need we’re able.
Lord, what would you have us focus on today? Where is your path today? Is it one less traveled and my be difficult to traverse? Or is it one that is well worn and familiar? Either way, show us the way, Lord. Light it up so we may see you at the end.
Lord, I pray in the name of your son Jesus, Amen.
Lord, thank you for another day. The sun will soon rise and the day will soon get hectic. Help us to focus on what is truly important. Love… starting with you and stretching into all others. ALL others. Give us the eyes to see when someone is in need. Give us the feet to walk over and be with them. Give us the hands to pray for them and provide any need we’re able.
Lord, what would you have us focus on today? Where is your path today? Is it one less traveled and my be difficult to traverse? Or is it one that is well worn and familiar? Either way, show us the way, Lord. Light it up so we may see you at the end.
Lord, I pray in the name of your son Jesus, Amen.