
Showing posts from November, 2023


Pray for unity & to not fight each other but fight the problem. Ecclesiastes 4:12 & Ephesians 6:12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Ec 4:12 Lord, let the three of us be one - a triple-braided cord. You put us together and Lord I ask you keep our strands tight. Tight against any outside attacks. Tight against the devil trying to wiggle his way in. Tight against church leadership who don't know our hearts. Tight for you. Tight for our future. Tight for all we have to grow your kingdom. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Eph 6:12 Lord, you fight our battles when we let you. We submit to your power so you can fight the enemy and we can be by your side in support. Not that y...

Prayers for Couples

Pray for unity & to not fight each other but fight the problem. Ecclesiastes 4:12 & Ephesians 6:12 Pray to see your spouse out of God's love with full forgiveness 1 Peter 4:8 Pray for wisdom & to make good decisions James 1:5 & Proverbs 3:5-6 Pray to not focus on the other person's faults but see the best in one another Luke 6:42 Pray for intimacy, connection and service towards one another Ephesians 5:21-33 Pray for humility, and to consider the others needs before your own Philippians 2:3-4 Pray for love to keep growing everyday I Thessalonians 3:12 Pray to seek God's kingdom first and not focus on money or worries Matthew 6:33 Pray for abundance of rejoicing, gratitude and peace Philippians 4:6-8 Pray for the fruit of the spirit to abound Galatians 5:22-23


Abba, We know we can’t have both gratitude and an unappreciative heart at the same time. The heart is full of one or the other. Let our temples be filled with love and gratitude pushing out the gluttony, greed, pride, or whatever may try to take hold. Let our hearts be filled with gratitude and all the other fruits of the Holy Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Lord, thank you for the people you put before us. Yes, it’s hard sometimes to let the past be the past and look to your example in how to treat others. Just because they may not have treated us how we wanted doesn’t mean we can’t turn the tables, no matter who it is. I guess that’s what you mean when you say to turn the other cheek. A bit of humble pie is not always tasty but is good for the soul. Lord, we give you this day and every day. In your name, amen.


Father God, We come to you today asking forgiveness for failing to be grateful for all the things you provide. We take you for granted and everything you do and have given us. From the worldly to the spiritual life. As Max Lucado said, What if you woke up this morning and had only the things you thanked God for yesterday? Lord, I’d definitely be a minimalist. Please forgive us. Lord, I’m excited but anxious about getting everything done for the rest of the month. I lean on you in the time of chaos. While I’m supposed to be giving thanks in this season, I’m worrying about other things. Light my path, Lord. Lord, I pray for all my family as they travel this week. Put a hedge of protection over them. Guide their hearts and minds toward you, Christ. In your name, amen.

Lead us...

Father God, Today we choose to follow you. Lead us and protect us. There are so many other worldly things we put our trust in. Money, jobs, politicians, health, people, families, church, sports teams, whatever it may be… You will always be the light on our path. We try to stray at times and there are times of hills and valleys but we seek your light, Lord. We are your sheep and you and only you are our Good Shepard. In a season of thanksgiving, we have so many worldly blessings to be thankful for but in the end, it’s you who give it all for us. Both material and spiritual. You give us everything. You put everything before us so we can make choices and deal with it in a way that is glorifying to you. Thank you. Please forgive us when we don’t lean into you. You are our rock. In your name we pray. Amen.

Serve and Glorify

Father God, Thank you for another day we get to serve others and glorify you. You give us all we have from the roof over our head to the breath in our lungs. We cannot have enough gratitude. We can’t have enough gratitude. So accept our humble thank you. Lord, I love the analogy my brother shared last week about our lives and stories being a thread in the tapestry you are weaving. I can’t wait to see what that looks like and feels like. With all the diversity and connections, it’s going to be glorious. Lord, be with us today. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. So much so we don’t have room for evil to creep in. In your name, Amen.

What you have for us

Lord, We know you have so much for us. It’s like opening Christmas presents every day. You give us all that is before our eyes and nose. All that we can feel and hear. All that we can taste. You give us a cornucopia of gifts everyday. You also give us relationships in a multitude of ways. From those who are in our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I pray we can be that person for others, too. [Personal Intercession] God, help me figure out this tiredness. It’s a catch-22 as I don’t have the energy sometimes to do the research or things I need to to get right. Thank you for this day… another day to serve you and be your hands and feet. In your name, amen.

You are Love

Lord, thank you for who you are: love. Help us to use the love you freely give us to others who you put in our path this week. Help us rearrange our lives and create rhythms that are worthy of your praise and honor. Help eliminate the busyness and chaos that dominates our lives and create margin so we have time for those things you’d have us focus on. Let our purpose shine like a lamp on the hill. Giving you all the glory. Amen

Give you Glory

Good morning, God! What a majestic day it is shaping up to be… the sun is rising. The air is crisp. You word is upon us. We are about to go to worship. The day is filled with plans to be with those we love and do things to grow in your glory. Thank you for blessing us so richly. We are here for on reason - to give you glory. How can we do that today and this week? Let your Holy Spirit pour into us and out of us so we may fulfill that endeavor. Giving you all glory and honor. When we do that, that is when we feel the full joy you have to offer. Lord, help us to thwart the evil one. Don’t let us get caught up in gossip or slander or other forms of degrading your creation. Help us to lift others up, no matter where they are. Help us to treat all your creation, both human and earthly, in a way that honors you. [Personal Intercession] In your name I pray, amen and amen.


Gracious God, We all have a story, thanks to you. That story ebbs and flows… weaves and tangles… stops and starts… slows down and speeds up… stays on path and sometimes goes off path. It's what makes us who we are. Lord, help us to use our story for good. Help us use our story to deepen others faith or bring them to the faith. To You. Closer to You. Whatever that may look like, put people in front of us that need to see your light. [Personal Intercession] [Personal Intercession] [Personal Intercession] Guide them and fill them with your Holy Spirit today. Let them know you are with them right now. Send a peace and a joy over them forcing them to look up to you, God! Let them know that whatever they are feeling, you have washed their sins clean and that You love them more than anything. I pray all these things in your name, Amen.

Lift others up

We are all on the same team going for the same goal. I pray we help each other reach that goal. I pray we lift each other up when we are down. Give words of encouragement and just be with our brothers and sisters in Christ when needed. Through the hurt from others, I pray we are strong in faith and are able to let Christ walk us through the most difficult hurts. Love God. Love others. Everything else will fall into place. Lord,  thank you for another day. The sun will soon rise and the day will soon get hectic. Help us to focus on what is truly important. Love… starting with you and stretching into all others. ALL others. Give us the eyes to see when someone is in need. Give us the feet to walk over and be with them. Give us the hands to pray for them and provide any need we’re able. Lord, what would you have us focus on today? Where is your path today? Is it one less traveled and my be difficult to traverse? Or is it one that is well worn and familiar? Either way, show us the way,...


Dear God, You cloth us with the finest apparel and yet we still want to play in the mud. You want only the best from us and yet we still fall short. We want to grow and be closer to you, Lord. We want what is right in your eyes. Help us to discern what is of this world and what is of your world. When there is a fork in the road, guide us toward your path. Shine your light so we may know your way through all the trees. Guide us with your compass so we don’t get lost.  Lord, thank you for our parents. We are blessed to have them in our lives. We are blessed they care even at our age. Lord, help us to be the parents you are to us. Help us guide our children and grandchildren in your way.  Lord, I pray for good outcomes and direction this week. In your name, Amen. 


Father God, All my words fall short I got nothing new How could I express All my gratitude? I throw up my hands And praise You again and again 'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah Hallelujah And I know it's not much But I've nothing else fit for a King Except for a heart singing hallelujah Hallelujah All I can give you, Lord is my faith, praise, and worship. Today is the end of a hard week. I know you have been with us each step of the way and all we have is gratitude and a Hallelujah. We know you have a plan and that plan is perfect. We don't understand it but we follow you nonetheless. Through all the storms, you are with us. Thank you. Lord, I pray for safe travels for M&P and for a blessed weekend with them. As I look forward to Monday, I pray Lauren's path is set. I pray for Colvin, Dawn, and Baby.  Lord, I also lift up Vickie and I to you today. Continue to bless our relationship with love and understanding. With peace and joy, only you can bring. With a...

You have the Answers

Father God, You have all the answers and know how everything is connected. You are a loving God who loves all creation. You give us free will and we struggle with that freedom. We sin and fall short of your glory. Father, forgive us and give us a forgiving heart. Lead us on Your path and don’t let us diverge from your way and your will. [Personal Intercession] We lift all this up to you, Lord. We don’t understand it all but we know you do and we trust in you. In your name I pray. Amen.