
 Simplicity is clarity. And clarity is a beautiful feeling.

 The journey is, from the bottom up; heartmindbody and spirit. The heart is what connects us. We are social creatures in need of others. The mind is what controls our actions and what we do. The body is our vessel. Without taking care of it, we don’t think clearly and we have no way to support our family. Spirit is the foundation on which all others cannot be if it is not at the forefront and our main focus.

Balance and focus of these four principles are key to happiness, health and success.

When in balance, we are rich in our relationships, rich in giving, rich in all we do and are. We are at our best when we are in balance and these principles are in focus. The focal point is at the intersection of these principles. When we are out of balance, we fall short. We are not ourselves and cannot be the person we need to be.


Focus – Concentrate on one thing at a time. Do it well. Priorities: Covey’s idea of “big rocks before small rocks.”

Quality over quantity. It’s not enough to do something many times but rather do it with purpose and intention.

Do your best to achieve these points below. Realize one will not be able to achieve every goal and that failure may occur in some areas.

1) Spirit

  • Simplicity
  • Know your surroundings. Know your God. Don’t be afraid to talk to Him. Don’t be afraid to be one with Him.
  • Spend more time outside. Be one with nature.
  • Meditate. Let the spirit in.
  • Don’t get caught up in media hype. Put down the phone. Turn off the TV.
  • Fiscally – Be responsible. Make sure your dollars are going to those things that important. Ask if the expense is good for the spirit.

2) Body

  • Nutrition and Fitness
  • Take pride in what you put into your body. Be responsible with harmful foods and drugs. Watch or cut consumption of chips, fast food and booze.
  • Simplicity. Plan meals. Have food and drink in the house that is healthy.
  • Spend more time outside. Walking, biking, walking the dog, pulling weeds.
  • Fiscally – Put your dollars towards priorities. No fast food. Ask if the expense is good for the body.

3) Mind

  • Learn, read, write
  • Take time for hobbies: puzzles, guitar
  • Organize for simplicity and clarity
  • Take time to clear your mind and think. Spend time outside.
  • Fiscally – Dollars for education/degree, games, entertainment. Ask if the expense is good for the mind.

4) Heart

  • God, self, family – in that order.
  • Volunteer – don’t take on more than you can give
  • Give generously of your time when you do. Make the time with others count.
  • Focus on people – not the phone. Not the TV
  • Fiscally – be a good steward to your money. It is important to be fiscally sound to raise a family. Ask if the expense is a responsible expenditure for the family. Think about retirement, investing and other financial goals. Consider the amount spent on vehicles or other expenditures that may seem out of line.
