Simplicity is clarity. And clarity is a beautiful feeling. The journey is, from the bottom up; heart , mind , body and spirit . The heart is what connects us. We are social creatures in need of others. The mind is what controls our actions and what we do. The body is our vessel. Without taking care of it, we don’t think clearly and we have no way to support our family. Spirit is the foundation on which all others cannot be if it is not at the forefront and our main focus. Balance and focus of these four principles are key to happiness, health and success. When in balance, we are rich in our relationships, rich in giving, rich in all we do and are. We are at our best when we are in balance and these principles are in focus. The focal point is at the intersection of these principles. When we are out of balance, we fall short. We are not ourselves and cannot be the person we need to be. Focus ...