
Showing posts from January, 2022

2022 - The Truth Will Set You Free

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32 This resonates on so many levels... I have known truth... read truth... but finding it is more elusive. Many may not know it but I used to be, and still am, a big fan of Bono, lead singer of U2. Some may also not know his deep faith and how his songs are songs of praise and glory to God, our ever-loving father. It has been through Bono's music and interviews and books that I've discovered some pretty cool things about faith, God, and our response and worship to our God. A longtime friend from high school recently sent me this video below and through the lens of this Bible verse, I saw Bono in a whole different light. A long time ago I remember him talking about being a rock star and cursing. Then it dawned on me - Bono is free... he knows he is a sinner but can still talk about his faith and be true to God. He is free because he knows the truth of the Gospel that Jesus died for our sins. If a curse word co...